About Harley

Early Years & Academic Progress

Foundations and Growth in VCE English Language

My story began as a child from an immigrant family, arriving in Australia with broken English, having just endured the rigorous demands of Chinese primary schooling – countless examinations, mountains of worksheets, and, above all, military-like discipline in studying.

Never would I have thought that almost 15 years later, I would be the most celebrated tutor in VCE English Language – propelling over 90% of my students above Raw 40, with as many as 3 Raw 50 + Premier’s Award students in a SINGLE YEAR.

Pivotal Education Experience

Turning Point in Year 8: Impactful Teaching Encounter

However, my journey did not commence with such wonder and success. I was a slightly above-average student, engrossed in video games, earning straight Bs in English during early secondary school.

Nevertheless, my life took a turn in 2014, a year that may seem insignificant to you, my fellow readers, parents, and students. In Year 8, I encountered the greatest teacher of my life, Mr. Ho, a substitute maths teacher at my secondary school. One day, while I was daydreaming and bored in maths class, Mr. Ho handed me a Year 11 Mathematical Methods Textbook and said, ‘Go do this instead.’ And I did, not realising that what I was doing was actually 3 years ahead of my year level. It was challenging at first, but the more I delved into it, the more I enjoyed learning concepts that stretched my skills and mind.

Not long after, I completed the textbook and found my way into Year 12 Methods, then Year 12 Specialist Maths, then Chemistry and Physics. By the end of Year 8, I had finished them all and never touched video games since.

Educational Philosophy
and Student Commitment

Teacher's Role and My Commitment to Students

Reflecting on my years of schooling, what Mr. Ho taught me is something profound; a teacher’s role in students’ journeys is to cater to what each student does best and to inspire the student to reach loftier heights. Carrying this simple philosophy, I have a pledge to all my students: No matter where you are now, whether you are a B or A student, I will cater to your individual learning needs and provide feedback in sync with your goals.

Let me be your Mr. Ho and provide you with an individualized learning journey, filled with challenges and inspiration!

Personal Achievements

Witness Harley's academic journey throughout the years...

2022 - University of Melbourne

  • Doctor of Medicine (MD)

2019 - University of Melbourne

  • Chancellor’s Scholarship
  • Dean’s Honours List
  • Bachelor of Biomedicine, 90 WAM

2015-2018 - Melbourne High School

  • 99.95 ATAR
  • 217.37 aggregate mark
  • Premier’s VCE Award – English Language
  • Premier’s VCE Award – All-Rounder Award
  • Premier’s VCE Award – Chinese SL Advanced
  • Highest Attainable Exam Score; 15/15 in both Essays & Analytical Commentary Sections
  • English Language Raw 50
  • Chemistry Raw 50
  • Maths Methods Raw 50
  • Specialist Maths Raw 49
  • Chinese SL Advanced Raw 49
  • Melbourne High School 2017 & 2018 School Council Dux

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Learn the latest tips, strategies and approach to VCE English Language & Chemistry from our Founder and Principal Harley himself.

A Complete Guide to VCE Chemistry Exam 2024

Violet, a second-year medical student at Monash University, shares expert tips and strategies for mastering the VCE chemistry exam. Graduating with a top chemistry score, Violet provides valuable insights for exam success.
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