
Top VCE English Language Tutor | VCE Chemistry Tutor

Our Programs

Explore VCE Excel Education's thoughtfully designed programs, aimed at supporting students throughout their VCE journey. Our Principal Tutor, Harley Zhong, leads the way in creating programs that provide a well-rounded and effective learning experience.

VCE English Language Study Design

Unlock your Raw 40/45/50 Study Score Potential with our State Number 1 VCE English Language Program. Having never lost a single mark in Analytical Commentary & Essay, Harley unveils the secrets of VCE English Language through meticulously crafted lesson notes, thorough sample essays, and profound analytical skills engineered to transform your writing.

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VCE Chemistry Study Design

Transform your VCE Chemistry experience with our Principal Tutor Harley, who taught himself VCE Chemistry Units 3/4 back in his Year 8. Equip yourself with cutting-edge resources tailored to the latest VCAA Study Design. Harley will enlighten you with his insights into VCE Chemistry, sharing tips, tricks and techniques in every class.

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Excel Education
Academic Excellence

Founded by Principal Tutor Harley Zhong, a recipient of the 99.95 ATAR, VCE Premier All Rounders' Award and multiple Raw 50 study scores, VCE Excel Education imparts success through his extensive academic experience.

Top Achievers Programs

Our programs are crafted by Top Achievers statewide, offering the latest and first-hand VCE insights.

Diverse School Tutoring

Harley has personally guided over 500 students from various schools, personally guiding their VCE journey and academic growth at VCE Excel Education.

Enhancing Your VCE
Experience with Our Supportive Features

Navigating Academic Success Through Valuable Resources and Guidance

Unbeatable Raw 40+
Study Score Guarantee

Ensuring Your Academic Success with Our Commitment

Unlimited Support
Free 1 on 1 Consultations

Guidance to Your Needs - Free Out-of-Class Personalised Consultations

Cutting-edge Resources,
Module Assessments, Practice Exams

Enhance Your VCE with Our Cutting-Edge Learning Materials

In-depth Assessor
Level Feedback

Develop Your Skills Through Comprehensive, VCAA Assessor-level Feedback

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our amazing students with outstanding results.
Raw 50 EL, Premier’s Award, 99.95 ATAR
"In the simplest terms, Harley's tutoring can be described as effective, comprehensive and high-quality. His Vce English language study design, being detailed and elaborate, were my go-to material during SAC and exam preparation, and his essays, being sophisticated and nuanced, provided me with an excellent benchmark of what to aim for and how to improve. He offers incredible lessons and provides support to those who need it, whether that be during class, or 1 on 1. I unequivocally believe Harley to be a knowledgeable and proficient English Language tutor."
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Raw 48 EL
"Harley has been an invaluable part of my Vce English Language study design journey. His resources and notes are unmatchable and he teaches with so much passion that as a mainly science and maths based person, I'm really surprised to say that Eng lang probably ended up being my favourite subject this year. Harley's teaching of the content was crazily in depth and allowed me to feel super confident in class as I was able to learn everything I needed before even touching on it at school. When studying, I would refer to Harley's notes and teachings rather than any school resources because of its higher standard and quality. Harley catered his teaching to each student's upcoming SACs and schedule, and it was because of this that I was able to be prepared for every SAC and average around 93% throughout the year. Overall, Harley's tutoring was a huge help and contributed immensely to my study score."
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Raw 47 EL
"Harley's in-depth classes and detailed explanations are critical in helping me achieve what I did in Vce English Language exam. His notes and lesson cover the course content in a engaging and comprehensive way that cannot be matched by what you can learn at school. With his extensive experience and unique passion for the subject, Harley's teaching really support students to excel in this subject and gain a real competitive edge compared to other students. Choose Harley's classes if you wish to walk into every SAC and exam feeling prepared and confident with a vast repertoire of knowledge that wil set you up for any challenging questions."
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Explore Enhanced Learning Opportunities

Discover the benefits of tutoring services designed to meet your study score goals. Our adaptable approach ensures a customised learning experience that fits seamlessly with your individual needs.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about our services and programs.
How does the Raw 40+ study score guarantee work?
There are 5 Graded Module Assessments to be done throughout the year. To be eligible for the Raw 40+ Study Score Guarantee, you must score an average score of 80% or higher across 5 Graded Module Assessments. In the case that the student fails to achieve above Raw 40, yet meets the conditions of our Study Score Guarantee, the student is eligible for a full refund of the tuition fees. VCE Excel Education reserves the right to final interpretation of the terms and conditions hereinabove.
What happens if I miss a lesson?
If you are unable to attend, it is expected of you to inform me at least 1 week prior. This is so that I could arrange for catch up lesson. You may be allocated to a different class during the week, or alternatively, access the recording for the missed lesson available on Google Drive. Please ensuer you are follow our study design plan.
Should I attend Zoom lessons or Face to Face lessons?
Having several years of experience with online tutoring, I have been able to ensure that both Zoom and Face to Face lessons are equally engaging and interactive. My Signature Program for both Vce English Language and Chemistry has harnessed the power of technology to facilitate a more dynamic, effective and convenient mode of teaching. My resources are shared on Google Drive, including recorded lessons for students to access throughout the year for revision purposes.
Do you only focus on the ‘smart’ students? What if my foundations are weak and need a bit more guidance?
No. Unlike other tutors, I do not dichotomise my students as ‘smart’ or otherwise. A ‘smart’ student will not achieve anything should they invest no effort into practice, reflection, consolidation etc, thus become fooled by their intellect and blinded by their overconfidence. I prefer to work with students who are hardworking and willing to achieve the study score goals they tell me at the start of the tuition program. If you have spent the time, focus and effort into your essays and ACs, then I will reciprocate the very same time, focus and effort in my feedback, if not, greater. I understand that every student comes from different backgrounds with different levels of understanding, experiences and command of the subject. This is why I give a level and depth of feedback tailored to the very student and their study score goal. On top of individualised feedback, students can book FREE 1 on 1 consultations with me personally, on a weekly basis, to discuss their queries and/or submissions. As far as I’m aware, this is a format of feedback that no other tutors in the state offer, for Vce English Language or Chemistry.
Your standards seem pretty stringent, I only want a 30/35/40/45. Will I have too much pressure?
Whether it be a 30, 35, 40 or 45, you will not be pressurised despite the stringent standards of Harley Zhong’s Tutoring Program. Harley Zhong’s feedback and expectations are tailored to your individual goals. There have been students under Harley Zhong’s tutelage aiming for 35, low 40s, and 45+, and they have achieved their goals accordingly.
Why pay in instalments (10-week period)?
I’d rather spend time marking your essays/ACs thoroughly than checking for transfer updates, chasing students for late payment every single week.
What makes Harley's tutoring different?
There are many tutors out there charging ridiculously cheap prices: $25, $20 and even $15 per hour! Why pay more for Harley Zhong’s VCE English Language program? The answer is simple; you pay for his unparalleled dedication, erudition and skills which can be replicated by anyone… many students have followed your footsteps, under my tutelage, scoring 45+, 48+ or just a 40 for those with humbler ambitions. Teaching VCE English Language is no easy job; no essays/ACs deserve to be ticked all throughout; no elaborations deserve to be left unattended. Unlike maths and science subjects where everything is black and white, English Language is far more complicated. As a teacher, I cannot simply dismiss an essay without spending hours going over your logic, your argument, your structure, your examples and even your writing style. As a student, do you prefer genuine feedback which can truly help you improve on the SAC/exam, or perfunctory remarks and red ticks all over your essay/AC? I’m sure what you would pick for your most important year of schooling. And I’m sure you hope that your tutor could provide quality feedback, even on the night/morning before your SAC, to your last minute, crammed, procrastinated essay/AC. After hours and hours of example-searching, essay-writing, over-editing, you deserve more. Under my tutelage, it’s simple; though paying slightly higher, and you get much more.

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Latest blog posts

Learn the latest tips, strategies and approach to VCE English Language & Chemistry from our Founder and Principal Harley himself.

A Complete Guide to VCE Chemistry Exam 2024

Violet, a second-year medical student at Monash University, shares expert tips and strategies for mastering the VCE chemistry exam. Graduating with a top chemistry score, Violet provides valuable insights for exam success.
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Is VCE English Language hard?

(10 mins) Is VCE English Language hard? Is VCE English Language the right subject for you? Have a read at Nicole's journey through VCE English Language, as she shares her insights into the challenges she faced, as well as many ways to overcome these challenges, ultimately taking home a Raw 45 study score.
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What is VCE English Language Exam ?

(10 mins) What is the VCE English Language Exam? Learn all about the Exam - tips, tricks and much more - from our past student and high scorer (Raw 50 + Premier's Award) in VCE English Language, Tom Gallacher.
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VCE Excel Education is now on YouTube!

(1 min read) Subscribe now to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ExcelEducationVCE
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2023 VCE Results Report – Letter to Students & Parents of 2024

(5 mins read) Read my Letter to Students & Parents of the 2024 Excel Education cohort on exam release day in 2023.
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